Welcome to International Harvest Hands, a service that provides you with experienced and motivated seasonal workers. Focused on staff for the high peak seasons of crop farms and contracting businesses, staff needs in dairying, and the equine industry can also be met.
As part of the NZ rural community, but originally from Germany, I am connecting you with young farmers from Germany who want to gain more practical experience overseas.
If you need staff to fill a position in your hard and efficient working team, I can find you the right person. Depending on your specifications of the required skills, timeframe and other vital details, I will work through applications, check individual visa requirements and language skills to find the matching applicants. You will be able to prepare for the season without interruption and the hassle of going through all the steps of recruitment.
This service is not about placing backpackers on farms. It is about connecting you with agricultural career-orientated people. The candidates are mostly between the age of 22 and 30 years with a farming background and the willingness to work hard, resulting in a great addition to your team.
Each applicant will fill out a questionnaire and skype with me. I will be able to give you details of their English skills alongside information about their farming experience and machinery or livestock skills, their expectations and motivation as well as the timeframe they want to commit to working.
The young farmers seek seasonal fixed-term work with appropriate wages and the possibility of an accommodation.​
Miriam Boyens
I grew up on a crop farm, live on a deer farm in mid Canterbury and have fallen in love with sheep and beef farming since moving to New Zealand in 2017. I am working hard to grow this small business and if you would like me to source suitable staff members for your family-operated farming business, or you have any questions regarding the service I provide or simply request a quote, I would love to hear from you.
Mail: int.harvesthands@gmail.com
Phone: 027 457 2687